Thursday, October 24, 2013

33DC Coral (Animals) Nails

Hiii! It's Lisl, and I am super pumped to share my manicure for the 33 Day Challenge "Animals" theme.  I decided to do a manicure based on my favorite animals, the animals I'm basing my Ph.D. research on - corals!  So, my BFF Steph's husband Jonah refuses to believe that corals are anything other than rocks or plants, but I promise you, Jonah, they're animals!  And they're awesome! Which is why I am manicurifying them.

For my based, I used my trusty Butter London Blagger aka "best blue evar."  Seriously, I can't get enough of this nail polish. It's unreal!

For the corals, I used Zoya Kara, which I love, though I have to admit I don't think I've ever used it as a base color before, I'll have to add it to my ever-growing list.

I used a medium-length striper brush (now my go to choice for detail work; you'd think that a striper would be too unwieldy but for some reason it's perfect) to freehand the corals.  This kinda stuff is my favorite kind of freehand, because corals are inherently wobbly, so if you mess up it just looks "natural," or whatever.

Plus, upside down they look like lungs, so Halloween appropriate!  Also, since this is the view I see them at, I got too be slightly creeped out by my own hands all day.  Bonus!

There are so many different ways to do "Animals' nails and I am really excited to see what everyone else comes up with. You should be excited too, and follow the links below to check them out.

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  1. Jonah after reading this post:

    "there's no way they're animals
    they're clearly plants at best
    maybe a fungus"

    You don't have him convinced yet, but at least we're getting closer!
